
3M™ Sticky Cloths har et unikt gulvrengøringsmateriale, der opsamler og fastholder støv og snavs. De er fremstillet af mindst 60 % genbrugsmateriale og leveres i perforerede ruller, der gør det muligt at tilpasse kludene til den aktuelle opgave, hvilket reducerer spild.

En tynd og fleksibel mikrofibermoppe med lav vægt, udviklet til at give et bedre rengøringsresultat og en god økonomi. Det lave vægt betyder, at det er muligt at vaske op til 250 mopper samtidigt i en almindelig vaskemaskine. Det sparer både vand og energi. Dispomoppen klarer??

En unik konstruktion af polyethylenpels på cellulosebærestykke gør moppen statisk ladet og tiltrækker finkornet støv. Til allergirengøring på hospitaler, i daginstitutioner etc. Fås som ark i karton med 200 klude og på rulle (perforeret) med 100 klude.

Hygiene mop READY is ready for use. Disposable mop of cellulose and polyethylene plastic. Thanks to its electrostatic function, it easily takes up dust and even small particles such as sand and gravel.

Impregnated dry mop. Binds fine dust with the help of impregnation (oil). Attaches to combination stand 12075. Resealable packaging. Made of 100% VI.

Static disposable mop with charged polyethylene fibers for dry cleaning. Charges statically when swept across the floor. Attracts fine dust and dirt particles. For allergy cleaning in hospitals, kindergartens, etc. Attached directly to combi stand. Made of 100% PE, back in cellulose.

Static disposable mop for dry cleaning. Charges statically when swept across the floor. Attracts fine dust and dirt particles. For allergy cleaning in hospitals, kindergartens, etc. Attached directly to combi stand. Made of 100% PE, back in cellulose.

High-efficient disposable mop. The unique structure and duct system gives the mop a low friction for optimum ergonomics and provides optimum cleaning results. The mop's unique structure effectively removes dirt and dust from the surface. Intermediate plate does not need to be used - attach the mop directly to the mop stand, used dry or damp on most smooth surfaces.

AquaDry Plus is a practical ergonomic disposable pad for both dry, moist and wet cleaning. Perfect for hospitals, other healthcare facilities, clothing stores, offices, etc. The mop works well even when disinfected. The unique mop is contoured and contains moisture carrier. It is 100% recyclable - consumed mop goes to plastic recycling and can also be disposed with flammable waste. Comfort and function as a traditional microfiber mop and capacity as well, ie 30-50 sqm for a 60cm.
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