Soft Care Des E

Soft Care Des E Spray, 5L

Artikelnr. 2121247

Soft Care Des E Spray is a thin liquid hand disinfectant and formulated for spray dosing. The product contains ethanol 715 g / l corresponding to a weight percentage of 71.5%, which meets the requirements of the authorities. Soft Care Des E Spray is documented effective against a large number of microorganisms according to several EN tests - it is also documented effective against viruses such as Coronavirus according to EN14476, which is recommended by the authorities. The product contains grycerol, to prevent dehydration of the skin.

EAN: 7615400174867

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    • Dispenser with pedal
    Dispenser with pedal
    Artikelnr. 2121246
    - Mængde: 1 Piece


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