Sterisol Hudplejesystem

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Sterisol Automatic dispenser
Sterisol Automatic dispenser
Sterisol's automatic dispenser for Sterisol System 0.7 liters, is developed to suit all environments that place high demands on good hand hygiene. The fact that the user never touches the dispenser provides an optimal hygiene factor both in a hospital environment with high hygiene requirements and in an industrial environment. The automatic dispenser is delivered adapted for battery operation (excl. Batteries). For mains connection, a mains adapter is required which can be ordered separately. No risk of ignition of flammable hand disinfection due to short circuit. The dispenser is equipped with a fuse (important then that there is often alcohol / ethanol in the automatic dispenser). For healthcare and other hygiene-demanding environments EMC-tested and approved A dose gives 1.5 - 1.8 ml product The dispenser cover can be washed in a dishwasher (also flush disinfector)
Sterisol Dispenser
Sterisol Dispenser
Dispenser for SterisolSystem 0.7 liters
Sterisol Dispenser
Sterisol Dispenser
Robust, lockable dispenser for public environments.
Sterisol Dispenser
Sterisol Dispenser
Dispenser for SterisolSystem 2.5 liters. White back cover and dosing print, glass clear cover.
Sterisol Dispenser with wall mount
Sterisol Dispenser with wall mount
Used where high demands are placed on hygiene. Provides the ability to dose forearms.
Sterisol Dispeser with arm lever
Sterisol Dispeser with arm lever
Used where high demands are placed on hygiene. The dispenser is attached with double-sided adhesive tape or screw, both options are included with the wall bracket. Provides the ability to dose forearms.
Sterisol dispensere
Sterisol dispensere
Dispensere og tilbehør af reel kvalitet til anvendelse med Sterisols refiller.
Ingen resultater er fundet


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